Friday, February 15, 2008

Children and the State of the World

In general people of the same energy level or spiritual progression will come together. Those that are more spiritual will find connections with those similar to them and those less spiritual will find that they are comfortable with less spiritual people. This can even been seen from a belief stand point, where people will gather in groups base on what they believe. Despite the belief that opposite attract spiritually people will seek out those on their level.

So what does this have to do with Children and Children with the state of the world?

That is easy, with what I have out lined above think about who is having the most children. On and off for the past couple of years we have been trying for our second without much good luck. We have been told multiple times by spiritual people that we will not have children or have issues. These same people will also tell us that we have a good energy. This would naturally mean that any child that is born to us will have a high energy. Anyone who has met my son will agree that he is a very strong positive energy.

A little while ago my wife express frustration about the people around her that were having children. And not to generalize or cast judgment but most, especially those with several children already were those that would be considered of lower energy. This got me thinking.

Most spiritual people will tell you we are entering a time a positive spiritual progress, but does the evidence show this? From what I see it is both true and untrue. It would appear to me that there is a split, and those who are spiritual are growing and moving on, while those who are not spiritual are staying at that level or falling.

This in itself would not be an issue, but when I consider who I see having children this issue arises. It appears to me that the number of higher energy children being born is dropping. This creates a balance issue that I believe you can directly see in the state of the world.

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