Monday, February 19, 2007

Spiritual Beliefs vs. Writing Fantasy

I doubt that I'm in a unique position where some of my hobbies and natural likes conflict with my spiritual beliefs. Every faith/belief system I have encountered would agree that killing is bad. Yet nearly all of us watch movies and TV shows with some kind of violence or other "unacceptable" behaviour. I do these things and I write. I write fantasy short stories and novels; and the next idea in my head is a Sci-fi. In my writing much like the movies and TV people get hurt, die and kill.

At first this might not seem like a big deal. However if you look back at my pervious posts you will see that as part of my beliefs thoughts can be as damaging as actions. Thinking bad things about someone is the same as saying it. But, how does this translate to Movies, TV and Books? That is something I've struggle with for some time. How can I say I believe one thing but go against it with my hobbies?

I am not willing to give up my writing. It is something I feel very strongly about and something that I enjoy. Writing has helped me through rough times. It is something that I feel is very important for me.

Again if you look back you will see that I am a believer of past lives. I believe that many of our stories, no matter how farfetched they may seem, have a basis in reality. They are events from our past lives translated in a way that we can relate to them in this life. This is the key to keeping my writing spiritual. Like thought, words and books have an energy about them; an energy given to them by the author and the readers. If the writer places a positive energy in the novel, regardless of what it says that energy will carry with it.

This is how I resolve the conflict with my writing. Spiritual books that can heal do not need to non-fiction books. I write/edit my novels and stories with an understanding where they come from, my past lives, and with the intent to heal myself of the wrongs I did in this life and to help others heal. It is by this method that I am able to write violence in a spiritual manner.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Bring the Blog Back to Life

Hello and welcome again to the Spirit Guide. Through most of last year I ran this site through the wordpress site. I decided to bring the site back again but this time move the blog here to Blogger.

As part of this move I have brought all the message over to the new site but I have lost the comments. I'm sorry to anyone who did comment I appreciate every comment and will leave the old site up so that the comments are not lost.

I hope that the change is not too disruptive and that you once again join me in exploring the Truth.

I put this offer out previously, but I am look for contributers to the site. You don't have to beleive the smae thing as I do and in fact I would prefere to have someone with different beleifs to challenge my posts and discuss topic with. If you are interested please leave a comment or e-mail me at