As I posted in previously, I believe that we have lived past lives and in those lives we have created negative, positive and neutral karma. We will ignore positive and neutral karma as they don't have an effect on us. It is how ever the many negative karma situations that we must worry about.
To understand how we can clear or heal our past karma we must understand how they affect us.
The events in our lives are drawn to us, whether they are "good" or "bad" based on the energy relationships (karma) we have with those situations and people. When we encounter a situation that brings out a past karma we transfigure. In transfiguring we become the past self. The past self then tries to play out the karma or situation as it knows (basically repeating the actions from the past life. In this way we are basically reading the script of our past lives. This is why many situations in our lives are repeated. We are being given the chance to deal with our karma from a past life, but until we do we follow the same script.
Follow the same script does not mean literally doing exactly what we did before, but it means we end up with the same energies and emotions in play. In a past life you may have argued with someone regarding the ownership of a horse and in this life it could be a car or something completely different. It is also important to know that in order to understand a situation we must experience both side. So the person that robs you may be someone you stole from in a past life.
When a past life replays it is not the specific action that are ultimately important but the energy and emotions of the parties involved. In a future post I will go over how to heal a past life/karma. But to get started I recommend that you watch your emotions. Watch for negative emotions (hate, jealousy, sadness) and actions (gossip, physical violence); recognize that these things are not emotions or actions that you desire.
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