Over the past little while I have posted regarding dealing with negative events and situations. In many of the posts I referred to the source of these situations as being in our past lives and past selves. Understanding past lives is an important part of dealing with negative events in out lives and healing.
Today it would be very difficult for you to find a person that did not have past lives. The fact is that our past lives control almost every aspect of our lives unless we do something to stop it. We would all like to believe the physics when they say we were someone important, but the reality is that in most of your life you are not notable people from history. You are just as you are now, a person living out his life unknown by most of the world. I don’t mean this in a negative way; it’s just a statement of fact. After all does this not describe most people?
Often when you visit a physic they like to tell you that you are an old soul. My brother-in-law was just told this exact thing, but has anyone ever asked them what they mean by an old soul? To be honest I'm not surprise that so many people are old souls, because it is a subjective term. Before you read on I want you to answer two questions. How old is an old soul (years old or number of life times)? How old do you think your soul is?
Well it may surprise you but an average soul can be hundreds of thousands of years olds, having possibly lived thousands of life times. You can see how some psychics could think of the average person as being an old soul.
In future postings I will cover how our past lives affect our current life, but it is important to understand that our souls are much older than many might think, and that those thousands of past lives have influence over our current actions and life.
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