With recent event in the middle east this topic has come to my mind. Israel is attacking and killing and trying to justify this by saying that it is for their own defence and to get their soldiers back. It is unfortunately that in our world today that people still feel the need for violence and that there are people who only understand violence. Peace is not something we have seen on the world as a whole since fighting was invented.
I honest believe that there is never a situation that it is OK to attack, hurt or kill someone. This includes not only physically but mentally, emotionally and spiritually. When you realise the truth that any violent situation you find yourself in, you have drawn to yourself you will begin to see that the problem is not the other person, but in side yourself. If you deal with and heal the past life that has drawn the violence to you then the situation will defuse or will not effect you spiritually. Remember that death is not to be fear, it is a transition and the one that bring the possibility for true spiritual ascension.
I would like to close with one final comment. I am not Jewish but does not their bible teach that Moses came down off the mountain carrying two stones with the 10 commandments from God. Was not one of those commandments "thou shall not kill." There were not exceptions added to the commandment, it was just that simple "thou shall not kill."
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