Many faiths are based around a creator. A person or being that made everything we know including all the living things. The creator or the creation of the universe is one of the critical things in religions, but I ask is it truly important. Most scientists are now ignoring or at least recognizing that knowing what happened before the big bang it something that we can know. Basically that time started with the big bang. At this point most faiths have dropped the idea that the world was just dropped into existence in its current state and believe that the creator initiated the big bang and directed its development.
I have never been one to believe in a traditional god. It has long been my belief that any being powerful enough to create the universe and in the case of the bible be perfect, isn't really going to care if I believe in them and that if they are going to judge me in the after life that it will not be based on if I went to the right church or prayed to the right god. They will judge me on how I lived my life.
That being said I don't believe that we are judge in this way, not by a higher being. Higher beings know enough not the judge other and approach others with an understanding. It is though here on this world that judge other and ourselves. Where we go after we die is more dependants on how much we have learned; have we learned enough that we can live on the higher planes? If not, then we come back to do more learning.
One of my favorite explanations for life and the universe comes for the TV show "Babylon 5". In the show one of the groups tells the one of the main characters that we are "Manifestations of the universe trying to understand itself." Now I don't think that it’s this simple or that we are just what we are now, but it is close.
I believe that we are children of the universe. I believe that procreation and spiritual development are two of the natural driving forces. The universe itself is no different. It like us continues to grow as we do. At some point in the future we ourselves will grow to the point where the universe was at the big bang. At that point we will create out own universe and continue our journey.
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