Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Sign of Better Times

When ever I hear spiritual people talking the talk about how the world is coming into a new age of enlightenment and positive energy. Over the past few years look out on the world it appeared the opposite was true. There was more war and fighting in the world than I had ever recalled. But was yesterday the turning point?
Many people viewed the former president of the US as someone who stood against peace and caused more conflict than he stopped or prevented. He was view by many as a source of evil and not good. I for one will not judge Bush as good or evil. I believe that he governed through some very difficult times and I have to believe that he did what he thought was right.
However, yesterday the US got a new leader. One who is viewed in a much better light around the world. He brings with him a promise of change; change for the better. Is this a sign that the world is trying to change. Trying to bring a more positive energy into the world and let it reign? I would like to believe is.
However, Obama will face difficult times as well. Economically the US and world are in a bad place and appear to be getting worse. People are expect that he will be able to fix everything. All the mistakes they believe have occurred in the last ten years and that he will make the US strong again.
Is this realistic. He is after all one man. He does have a lot of influence but he cannot fix everything that is wrong. We must all stand up and take responsibility for our place and move ourselves forward and not rely on others. This could be the dawn of a new age for the world, but it is not because of one man and can not be realized by one man. It will take us all.

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