A while back I talked about a person who emailed me with some questions regarding an entity that they were in contact with. A few emails went back and forth and a few more important facts came out. Now some of this may be in previous posts but I there are some new items here that are important.
The first thing to note is that entities or spirits do not only fall into the Good/Positive and Bad/Negative categories. There are Neutral entities or those that are not trying to cause you harm and not trying or able to help you. Most of the Neutral entities are earth bound souls or ghosts. They remain behind for some reason or another, sometimes they do so in attempt to help a loved one who is still living.
This ghost maybe someone that the living person would recognize as a loved one or might be a loved one from a past life that they have no knowledge of; in the end it really doesn't make a big difference. These ghosts are in no real position to help the living and it fact it is the ghost itself that is in need of help.
The ghost or soul that has remained behind is not an advanced soul. If it was advanced it would have moved on and reincarnated into a new person so that its learning can continue. In order for us to heal our karma from our past lives we must do so living in the same dimension or plane that the karma was created. In most cases this means living. Work can be done in the afterlife to setup such healings but ultimately they have to be done here. What this means is that the ghost is not healing or progressing in anyway. They are stagnating in their spiritual progress. The best thing that you can do is to direct them to cross over so they con continue their journey.
Good entities or those in a position to help will very rarely do so directly. Some advanced souls living on earth can communicate with these souls. The good souls have an understanding of the universe and know that the only one who can truly heal someone is that person themselves. They can help direct you to that healing but it is up to that person to do so themselves.
Negative entities have no interest in your spiritual development. They are however the ones most likely to communicate with the living. They may tell you things and "appear" to be helping you but in fact this is not their goal and rarely the outcome of their help.
As you can see, since the spirit you are in contact with is unlikely to be a Positive entity asking them to leave is almost always the right thing to do. If you are in contact with a Positive entity then you will be spiritual advanced enough to know and if you have any question what so ever in your mind, then it is not a Positive entity.
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