I often find it difficult for me to find time fro my spirit. As with most people I have a life (work, family). When we get busy it is the items deemed as luxuries that tend to be the first to suffer. So how do you find time for your spirit? Well, I'm not going to talk to you about how to time manage or get more out of your day. I'm not an expert in that but I will tell you about my experiences.
It should be evident from my last post that I am a writer. I am also a podcaster. Several years ago when I picked up writing again and then again last year when I started podcasting, I made a choice. I choose to make and dedicate time to those tasks. Now that meant that I had to give something up. It could be work (we all have bills to pay) and it wasn't going to be my family. So that left my other hobbies as the targets. Over the past several years the amount of TV that I watch has dropped dramatically. Also has the time I spend "playing" with my computer. I'm a technical guy and use to love spending hours exploring what I could get my computer to do. When I started this blog up again I thought about my time constraints. This time it was a lot harder. My writing and podcasting were staying, family was staying. That didn't leave a lot.
I then realised that the spirit doesn't need a lot of focused time. Yes if the spirit is important to you, it is good to make time just for it. The pay back will be high. But also we can add the spirit to everything in our lives; because in truth it is part of everything.
Remember, the purpose of this post is let you know that we all have more time than we think. We just need to be aware of how we are spending it. You can't honestly say you have not time and then spend time watching TV. So look at what you do and decided what is most important to you and you will find the time.
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