Many people question if we have a soul or not and many people have tried to explain what a soul is. It is my belief that we do have a soul and when we die that soul lives on and at some point in the future may be reborn into the world. The key statement there is maybe reborn. This leads to two questions, when it will happen and what if it doesn’t.
The when is a hard question to answer. I know you are not going to like my initial answer which is, it depends. The timing of rebirth is first dependant on the advancement of the soul. Younger or less advanced souls cannot control when or how they are to reincarnate back into this world. Old or more advanced souls can select not only when they will reincarnate but the situation that they will reincarnate to, choosing their parents.
Not returning to this world can result from two scenarios. The first and more desirable one is that the soul had advanced beyond this world, or at least to the point where it can now live indefinitely on the higher dimensions. The second possibility is that the soul has degraded to a point where it is no longer capable of being a soul. In this case the soul is returned, to where again will be covered later.
Now the Older/Younger implies that souls are created and obviously not all at the same time. Souls are constantly being created, being lost and not returning. The age of the soul does not directly determine its advancement. However age does play a part, as a young soul can not be advanced because it does not have the experiences that are required. Alternatively, just because a soul is old does not make it advanced. A soul’s advancement goes up and down based on its experiences. It is possible that when you die you are less advanced than when you were born.
After all this and I still haven't said what a soul is. The soul is an energy being. It is this being that it our higher self, these terms are interchangeable. I have heard to it referred to as our Christ self. If we can make contact to our soul there is very little we can not do. We can instantly resolve Karma and past-life issue and we can even alter our physical body. It is this connection that allowed Jesus to walk on water and perform some of his other "miracles".
Now you may think, this is great, I'll just connect with my soul and things will be great. What is missing from all this are the two levels that are in place between our soul and our bodies: the Mental self and Psychic Body. Both of these contain our past life experiences and karma and it is these that block us from interacting with our soul directly.
As you can see this topic is very large. Over time I will develop these concepts further and introduce new ones.
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